Documentation style guide
Overall Tezos-related issues
Tezos is decentralized. There is no official Tezos documentation, no official Tezos strategy, and no official entity in charge of Tezos.
Do not compare Tezos to other blockchains.
Use "tez" to describe the currency instead of "XTZ" unless there is a specific reason to use the ISO code/ticker symbol "XTZ," such as in accounting systems, exchange rates with other currencies, and anything that needs a standardized code.
Avoid using the ꜩ glyph in text.
Do not use the term "initial coin offering (ICO)" or refer to Tezos "investors." Instead, refer to the Tezos fundraiser. See
Blockchain terminology
Clients that send transactions to contracts are called "senders."
The fields in a contract's storage are called "properties."
Don't use abbreviations for layers, as in "l1" or "l2." Say "layer 1" or "layer 2."
Use sentence case for headings, such as "Connecting to wallets."
Capitalize these terms in text:
- Tezos
- Smart Rollups
- Specific network names such as Mainnet, Ghostnet, Dailynet, and Mumbainet
- Sapling
- Web3
Capitalize the "A" in "dApp."
Do not capitalize these terms unless they are the first word in a sentence or if the capitalization style requires all major words to be capitalized:
- tez
- blockchain
- proof of stake
- proof of work
- smart contract
- testnet
Use emphasis sparingly to avoid making the page too visually busy or complex.
Use backticks for file names, variable names, and command names, not to emphasize words or denote technical terms.
Use bold for:
Buttons or links that the user must click or interact with
Very sparingly, to highlight important words and phrases, such as the words at the beginning of a definition list, such as in the Glossary
Do not emphasize the names of web sites, pages, or UI elements that the user sees but does not interact with directly
Use admonitions such as notes or warnings sparingly, only to denote warnings and critical issues
Avoid parenthetical expressions
Style and clarity
Use terms and phrasings that are clear to people using translation or to non-native speakers of English.
Use gender-neutral terminology.
Use the same word to represent something, instead of varying words for variety. For example, use "stake" consistently and do not substitute synonyms such as "deposit" and "retainer" to refer to the same thing.
Do not use "as" or "since" to mean "because," as in "The system shows an error, as you have not connected your wallet yet."
Do not use "once" to mean "after," as in "Once the system shuts down, you can safely remove the drive."
Avoid Latinate abbreviations like e.g. and i.e.
Provide the information about the target of a link. For example, instead of saying "for information about smart contracts, click here," say "for information about smart contracts, see Smart contracts." When linking to an external site, consider mentioning the target site, as in "for more information, see Blockchain basics on
Do not describe documentation in terms of "chapters" or "articles."
Avoid meta-phrases that make the documentation sound like a lecture or textbook, such as "we will see" and "the goal of this information is to."
When writing steps that the user must follow, make it clear what the user must do by following these guidelines:
Make each action that the user does a numbered step.
Cover the action that the user does in the first sentence.
Use language that makes it clear that the user must do something and what that action is. For example, instead of "4. In the file
:", say "4. Add this code to the filemyFile.js
Structure lists and headings in a parallel way. For example, make sure each list item is capitalized and punctuated in the same way. List items should be all complete sentences or all sentence fragments, not a mix.